Monday, February 21, 2011

Great Riding

The riding has been great these days.  The weather has definitely been crisp, but I've still been out riding.  The morning commute to work can be a bit chilly, but afternoon rides are just fine.  This weekend I got out and did some riding and even at the end of last week, clear skies got me on the road - some days just after work for a quick hour spin, but Friday after finishing up everything at work I took the long way home for an easy 18 miles.  Ended up in some higher traffic areas which then means that based on basic laws of probability that there are more idiots on the road.  Just like there are a few cyclists that drive the stereotype of "cyclists never obey the laws" well there are a few drivers who ruin it for the conscientious cyclists as well.

Friday night my wife's brother had his wedding reception so we left her car at her work so that we could get the carpool lane.  Saturday I took a long meandering ride to get to her work.  Ended up being about 25 miles, but a good 12 of those were going at a 15mph headwind that had 25-30 mph gusts.  Then I had about 2 miles of hills. It was a GOOD workout.  Sunday I got out for a nice spin too, though not as long.

The fraternity that I'm in is actually going to be doing an Alumni Spotlight on me and my fundraising so Sarah took some pictures of me for that.  Here is my favorite:


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